
Our work involves engaging with state, and civil society actors to advocate for a people and planet-centric digital future. Explore our interventions.

The Global Digital Justice Forum, April 2024

In response to the Zero Draft released by the co-facilitators of the GDC process, The Global Digital Justice Forum provided text suggestions which emphasize the importance of including the “right of peoples to self-determination” within the digital governance framework…

The Global Digital Justice Forum, April 2024

The Global Digital Justice Forum responded to the Joint Questionnaire for CSTD’s 20-year review of the World Summit on Information Society implementation. The submission focused on the fact that instead of the vision of “people-centered, inclusive and development oriented” future, the digital era has been driven by increasing exclusions, digital divides, authoritarian regimes and a platformized and Big-Tech-led paradigm…

IT for Change, March 2024

On behalf of the Global Digital Justice Forum, IT for Change submitted written inputs to the structural elements of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) on 8 March 2024. The input emphasizes the need for an explicit and unequivocal call to global equity, justice, and well-being of all as the overarching goals guiding the key elements of the GDC. Business-as-usual cannot tackle the emerging challenges of digitalization…

 Global Digital Justice Forum, March 2024

Dive into a specially curated resource list designed for the Global Digital Justice Forum by IT for Change, Third World Network (TWN), and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). This collection of readings serves as an introduction to the diverse terrains of data governance…

Anita Gurumurthy, Nandini Chami, Merrin Muhammed Ashraf, Shreeja Sen, February 2024

IT for Change responded to the Open Consultation Process on the WSIS Forum organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Our inputs focused on how the WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event should address questions of the digital and data divide, in particular the critical role of democratic governance of the digital as vital to the technological path dependency of global development justice…

Shreeja Sen, February 2024

Shreeja Sen represented IT for Change and the Global Digital Justice Forum at a virtual consultation, seeking feedback on the Zero draft of the Pact for the Future. Her inputs emphasized that digitalization is ubiquitous across sectors, and consequently, its impact is seen within all the chapters of the Pact…

Merrin Muhammed Ashraf, February 2024

On 13 February 2024, Merrin Muhammed Ashraf represented the Global Digital Justice Forum and IT for Change at a virtual consultation convened by the co-facilitators of the intergovernmental process for drafting a Global Digital Compact, which would be annexed to the Pact for the Future. The goal of the consultation was to allow civil society representatives to share their overall views and expectations and to offer concrete suggestions to achieve a meaningful and transformative Global Digital Compact to strengthen digital cooperation. In her statement, Merrin highlighted the significance of the Global Digital Compact as an opportunity to reshape our digital future with democratic integrity and distributive justice…

Amay Korjan, June 2023

This session focused on answering the following questions: Given existing experience, especially from the Global South, where and how is digital technology helping to deliver on the SDGs (e.g. health, water, jobs, environment)? How can experiences be shared effectively? Are there any principles and approaches that could be generalized…

Viraj Desai, June 2023

The consultation was based on the following questions: What could a “global digital commons” approach entail – in terms of possible principles, values, and ideas? What are the main challenges with regards to digital public infrastructure? How can the GDC contribute to the safety and inclusivity of digital public infrastructure and mitigate potential harm? How can the Global Digital Compact contribute to…

Merrin Muhammed Ashraf, May 2023

This consultation focused on answering the following questions: How can we move from principles to practical measures that will help guide and lead the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in different contexts, and how can these be aligned? How can regulators and innovators work together to promote the development and rollout of new emerging technologies while protecting human and planetary safety, human agency, and fundamental rights…

Viraj Desai, May 2023

This deep dive was focused on addressing the following questions on the potential risks and benefits of digital technologies on safeguarding our rights: How can women and girls, children, and persons in vulnerable situations such as persons with disabilities or persons belonging to linguistic minorities be supported in exercising their human rights online? How can accountability of digital platforms – public and private – be strengthened to…

Viraj Desai, April 2023

This session focused on addressing the following questions: How a collaborative effort among governments, data protection authorities, private companies, the scientific community, and civil society could be orchestrated to ensure the responsible processing, secure storage, and vigilant protection of personal data, safeguarding it against potential misuse? How to formulate guiding principles that would underpin the creation of high-quality, interoperable data systems…

Global Digital Justice Forum, April 2023

The members of the Global Digital Justice forum jointly responded to calls for written inputs on the Global Digital Compact process. Anchored in a steadfast pursuit of digital justice, this submission has emerged from a process marked by extensive dialogue, contemplation, and consultation, a journey that has spanned multiple months and engaged various communities in the Global South.

Amay Korjan, April 2023

This session focused on answering the following questions: How can we ensure a safe, global, secure, and inclusive internet amidst the rapid growth and emergence of new internet-based tools? The 2005 Tunis Agenda endorsed a multi-stakeholder approach to the governance of the Internet. How have we succeeded in realizing this vision? How do the roles and functions of various multi-stakeholder forums such as Internet Corporation for Assigned Names…

Viraj Desai, March 2023

The consultation was geared towards hearing inputs from states, civil society actors, and corporations on the following challenges: How can governments, international organizations, private companies, and civil society work together to close the digital divide and improve access, skills, and meaningful connectivity for all? What actions should be taken to enable digital inclusion for all? What policies, frameworks and programs have proven…

Viraj Desai, March 2023

Their input outlined the necessity for the Global Digital Compact to move beyond techno-solutionist visions and build a path grounded in a democratic multilateralism that recognizes the inequitable experiences of marginalized peoples. Taking aim at the corporate impunity of big tech corporations for market abuse, worker exploitation, ecological destruction, and the weakening of democracies, they proposed that a Global Digital Compact must hold…
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